Friday, October 28, 2005

Short term memory

Have you ever gotten blanked out like when you are trying ot find something and you cant remeber it.. its called your short term memory.....which i diffently have. imean today i was looking to see how much money i have because i wanted to get something (the something was and is a video game) and i couldnt remeber where it was. I stinkin hate when my brain does that. i finally remebered where it was when i was on the toilet.(dont need to say anymore about that) It was in a phany bag when i was going to the state fair of texas. Man did we go on a wrong and cold day.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

In memory of cuddles

This is cuddles my guinea pip that died a couple months ago. She was very special to me.
I miss her alot... i want her back. I didnt miss her alot till now....i want her back. Have i made my point well i hope i have because telling you is making me want to cry.

my Quiz results

Your costume is a Gothic Ballerina!

What Should Your Halloween Costume Be?
brought to you by quiz zilla

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Hey i am here in roswell new mexico on my fall break

Ok like i am so happy i am on my break! I mean how many times do u get a break out of school i mean dont u ever get tired of it? I do almost everyday.So i am glad i get a week of just relaxation.I mean i am out of town but o well i mean wuts so bad about that?
I mean i am at my grandmas house in roswell new mexico and well i aslo get to see the rest of my family who lives here and everyone i am related to or i know who lives here is always so nice! I mean who wouldnt want to come down here and see family! My roks!!!!
---the way i am spelling somethings i want it to be that way so i do know how to spell so no comments on that please.---